How to apply

Tips for Your Application.

ou are interested in an apprenticeship with us? Learn more about tips and tricks for your application in our video.

Online or by post

We look forward to your application, whichever way you choose to send it to us. Easiest for us is an online application but if you prefer an application on paper we are just as happy about it.

Tell us about yourself

Your application to us doesn’t need to be a novel! The cover letter should simply give us an impression of who you are. Tell us why you want to start your apprenticeship at Lindner, and let us know a few things that make you a unique and interesting candidate. We especially like to hear about your extracurricular activities and hobbies.

Proofread your work

We expect our future apprentices to pay attention to detail. This is important not only for your application but also for your future professional life. Read through your application carefully, to make sure that it is free from mistakes. Even better, ask a parent, sibling or trusted friend to read your application before sending it to us.

Give us the facts

In your CV, ensure that you include all of your education and work experience, and please explain any gaps in your work history. A CV has to reflect the truth and be verifiable upon request.


As they say, a picture paints a thousand words. We are always happy to receive a professional headshot.

Keep your work pristine

We don’t require extravagant packaging but your application should nevertheless be well presented, printed on good quality white paper, and bound in a clean folder.

Don’t forget the details

Sign your cover letter and CV, ensure that any names used in your application are spelled correctly. Keep to one font and font size. Follow these hints, and your application is certain to make a good impression.

In your application, please include:

  • Cover letter
  • CV
  • Professional headshot
  • Last midterm report (if applicable)
  • Last annual grade report (if applicable)
  • Previous internship certifications (if applicable)
  • Other certificates (if relevant)
