German Consulate General


Project: German Consulate General
Building Type: Government building
Address: Ul. Malyschewa 51
Zip/City: 620075 Yekaterinburg
Country: Russia
Company Division: Lindner SE | General Planning
Completion: from 2014 to 2016


Project: German Consulate General

Lindner was the general planner for the interior construction of the German Consulate General in Yekaterinburg in the Ural area. During normal operations, new office and administration areas where planned and implemented on level 28 of the Skyscraper, which is the second highest in Russia (excluding Moscow). Special emphasis was attached to a uniform design and to the conception of new solutions for the office areas. Several single offices and an open-plan office with a sophisticated lighting concept and a comfortable colour scheme where implemented. Lindner was not only responsible for the general planning, but also implemented raised floors and partition walls on level 28 of the Vysotskys Business Center.


Companies involved

Client: Federal Republic of Germany, Berlin,
Architecture: Lindner AG | General Planning, Arnstorf,


General planning
Work phases 1-9
