National Assembly Hall


Project: National Assembly Hall
Building Type: Government building
Zip/City: . Hanoi
Country: Vietnam
Company Division: Lindner SE | Interior Product Supply
Completion: 2014


Project: National Assembly Hall

The National Assembly is the legislative organ of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Its congresses used to be held in the Ba ?ình Hall, until its demolition in 2008. At that time, a new construction concept drafted by the German architectural office von Gerkan, Marg und Partner had already emerged victorious from an architecture competition. The new parliament building was built on the same spot formerly occupied by the Ba ?ình Hall. Naturally, the National Assembly and its Assembly Hall have strong ties to their home country and culture, which is why the architectural language of the building features numerous reminiscences to traditional signs and symbols from the vietnamese culture. The well-informed observer may even spot this from a distance: the building features a square base, while the plenary hall is of circular form. According to Vietnamese symbolism, this reminds of the interplay of heaven and earth.


The plenary hall is the core of the Assembly Hall and, thus, of very sophisticated design. Particular attention was paid to visual appearances and acoustics. Based on a visualization of the architect, Lindner Group was invited to develop a concept for a unique ceiling system tailored to this project. First proposals were appreciated and further developed to fit changing demands. Shortly after, first mock-ups were produced and approved of, laying the foundation for the production and supply of this individualized ceiling system. In its built-in state, the system consists of 34 rings with integrated LED technology. Due to its geographic location, an earthquake-proof construction was stipulated. Apart from the striking impact on the appearance of the plenary hall, the ceiling also improves room acoustics thanks to its perforation.

Companies involved

Client: Socialist Republic of Vietnam, ,
Architecture: gmp Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner, Hamburg,


Customised ceilings
LMD-S - Customised ceilings
F0 Metal ceiling
LMD-E - Hook-on/Corridor ceilings 1,200 sqm
