Value One Headquarter


Project: Value One Headquarter
Building Type: Office buildings
Address: Am grünen Prater
Zip/City: 1020 Vienna
Country: Austria
Company Division: Lindner GmbH
Completion: 2021


Project: Value One Headquarter

The Viertel Zwei urban quarter on the outskirts of the Grüner Prater in Vienna comprises numerous office units delevoped by Value One and JPAN. For this purpose, the original buildings at the Vienna race track were completely renovated and extended by a new building. The highlight and at the same time the biggest challenge was the conversion of the complete spectator stand into an open office with a step concept. Numerous seating areas and bar tables along the large glass front of the former grandstand provide enough space for meetings and creative work.

In total, Lindner installed 6.400 m² of hollow and raised floor systems including carpet and vinyl coverings, approximately 7.000 m² of drywall, acoustic plaster, and about 750 m² of Lindner Life Partition Systems.

The new building was completed in 2021 and includes enclosed offices as well as numerous open workplaces, project islands, a library and soft meeting areas.


Companies involved

General Contractor: Arge Dywidag Habau, Vienna, Austria


Glass partitions
Lindner Life Stereo 125
Lindner Life Pure 620
Plasterboard partition systems
Plasterboard ceiling systems
Perforated plasterboard ceilings
Hollow floor systems
FLOOR and more® comfort
FLOOR and more®
FLOOR and more® hydro
HYDRO comfort
Raised floor systems
Carpet / carpet tile
Rendering and plastering works
Acoustic plaster
