Refurbished dry hollow floor on five sides


Listed by applicability


Recreation and Culture: Banks, Cinemas and Theatres, Concert Halls, Gymnasiums, Museums, Places of Assembly, Sales Areas, Shopping Centres, Stadiums
Workplace: Assembly Rooms, Broadcasting Rooms, Television Studios, Common Rooms, Facilities for Meetings, Conventions and Conferences, Offices, Stage and Studio Rooms
Education: Library Rooms, Research Rooms, School, School of Higher Education
Healthcare: Clean Rooms, Clinics and Hospitals, Laboratories, Operating Theatres
Industry: Clean Rooms, Laboratories and Research Facilities, Production Facilities
Public Institutions: Court Houses, Government Buildings
Transport: Airports, Train Stations
Public Areas: Entrance Areas
Hotels and Gastronomy: Hotels and Resorts
Cruise Liner and Ship Fit-out


Design: Aluminium, Elastic, Fabric, Glass, Gypsum, Laminate, Stainless Steel, Steel, Stone, Wood
Hygiene: Antibacterially disinfectable, Cleanable by vacuuming, Virucide disinfectable, Wipeable
Corrosion Protection: Interiors, Wet Areas
Safety Technology: Electrostatics, Intruder Protection
Statics: Seismic Safety, Walkability
Climatic Regulation: Thermal Insulation
Fire Protection: Fire Behaviour / Building Material Class
Sustainability: Environmental Product Declaration

Technical Data

Fire Protection






Product description

The hollow floor system ADDLIFE is the ideal product for nearly all applications with its excellent technical and building-physical characteristics.

Refurbished raised floor panels consisting of fibre-reinforced calcium sulphate are newly processed on the top surface and milled circumferentially with a double tongue and grooving. The panels are thereby processed on five sides and consequently they are completely configurable. As with the hollow floor system FLOOR and more®, the carrier panels are glued together on site and therefore form a jointless surface on which every covering type can be installed in tiles or rolls. By machining used panels, it offers a carbon saving of 42 % compared with the equivalent new product.